and I’m so glad you stumbled upon this college-student-friendly guide to creating social impact! Before I give you the rundown of what this website is all about, let me ask you this: 

Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed seeing your friends and people your age founding organizations, hosting podcasts, giving TedTalks and/or organizing fundraisers in the name of social impact? Do you wish you could be one of them? 

Well, let me let you in on an embarrassing secret. Speaking from experience, most youth-led social impact ventures undertaken in high school aren’t actually sustainable nor impactful; so good news is that you’re not missing out! In reality, most students make the mistake of acting on a “spark” of motivation as opposed to a purpose-driven plan of action that aligns to who they are as a person and points to who they want to be. Unfortunately, “sparks” don’t last, and in that case, neither does your grand plan of changing the world! 

But wait, you still want to be a future social impact leader right?

Good – just checking. Luckily you’ve come to the right place where I will take you with me on a journey to becoming a social entrepreneur and finding the right tools to level you up each step of the way. First step: know your story. Unlike a “spark”, your story will be the guiding light throughout your entire social impact journey. 

In this website, I will draw upon my own experiences and anecdotes as a dementia advocate to outline a general roadmap for future social impact leaders. And yes, that’s YOU